Lighthouse Vision – A Spirit-Filled Community of Grace

Spirit Filled Community

We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in the same manner as in the book of Acts. Acts 2:39 We believe that the gifts of the Spirit are in operation today and should be freely expressed in the New Testament church.


We believe that man was created for a personal relationship with God. Thus, this church holds as a primary value the free expression of God-centered worship, which seeks to both glorify Him, and to enjoy His presence.


We believe that it is not the whole that need a physician but the sick and that Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. We believe that a community of Grace leads to a greater purity than legalism.

Biblical Teaching

We believe that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant word of God.  II Timothy 3:16.

Discipleship Culture

We believe that every Christian is called to ministry and has unique gifts and talents to that end (Ephesians 2:10).   This church is committed to helping individuals find their unique place in the body of Christ and come to a place of spiritual maturity.

Evangelistic Passion

We believe the Great Commission should be the mission of every church. (Matthew 28:19,20). The message of the Gospel is good news and thus should be shared.  This church strives to be active in the local community through mercy ministries which open the door for the gospel.

Spiritually Healthy Families

We believe that strong families provide an example to the world. The health of marriages and families today will produce the leaders of tomorrow and strong marriages for the next generation.

Lighthouse Mission


We exist to reach nonbelievers and establish a Spirit-filled community of grace made up of fully devoted followers of Christ that love God and love their neighbors.  

Lighthouse Christian Fellowship is a Foursquare Gospel Church